Prices for houses in Aruba can differ a lot and for certain reasons. There are many houses for rent or for sale on the island, so you don’t have to worry that nothing is available when you come to visit the island. Just like in every country, every house has its own unique appearance. Are you looking for a rent house Aruba? You can look for a suitable home with the real estate agency Aruba Palm Realtor. Can anyone rent a house in Aruba?Anyone can rent a house in Aruba. Some landlords only ask for a minimum rental period. This can vary between monthly, 6 months or even yearly. When you rent a house for 1 year, this can have an advantage on the price. It is often the case, when you want to rent a house for 6 months or longer, you sometimes need a residence permit that you must be able to show the landlord. Different price examplesThere are different types of houses or apartments available in Aruba and one is of course more beautiful or newer than the other. The houses on Aruba are often very colorful and with many frills in the house. A house that is rented out by an owner who, for example, is temporarily not there, often has the personal items in the house. You’ve got to love it. You can usually rent these types of houses for $500 a month. Would you like a brand new apartment and 2 bedrooms? Then the price can go up to 1000$ per month. For example, studios are also rented out. Then you have 1 room in which your kitchen and your bed are in the same room. These studios are often the cheapest and also very nice for when you are alone. A studio can range in price from $400 to $1500.