If you are looking for a photographer in The Netherlands then please have a look at the portfolio of the photographers of STUDIOVHF. The studio is based near the city of Zwolle and is founded by Vincent Hartman. STUDIOVHF is the registered tradename for professional photography services from VDFP BV, a company with strong international links in Europe. The studio emplys two photographers and has a permanent scholarship position. Versatile corporate photographer in The NetherlandsCorporate photography Corporate photography comprises all different kinds of photography, from portrait photography, to industrial photography, interiors and architectural photography. STUDIOVHF has done corporate portraits for the services industry like the accountancy firm Ernst & Young in Amsterdam but also takes on photography assignments for agricultural firms and heavy industry. The photographer works for the association of technical installation companies and several specialised advertising companies. STUDIOVHF recently completed and industrial photography job for Fennart advertising at Buisman warehousing in Zwolle. The picture below is taken at the IMF unit where milkpowder is mixed to different specifications. For the American advertising agency Rapp Advertising in Springfield NJ, the photographer photographed a minerals company south of Zwolle. Some pictures were taken with the same techniques as used in interior photography. From a sturdy and level tripod multiple exposures are taken with specialised tilt and shift lenses. In post-processing these exposures are combined. This increaes the dynamic range in a such a way that both the highlights and darks will have a lot of detail left and the imnage will have a natural comtrast. Advertising PhotographySTUDIOVHF also works for advertising agencies for conceptual and staged photography. In these photographs the whole setting is organised to a predesigned concept and executed by the whole team. A team usually consitst of one or two models, a make-up artist, the art-director and the client.
Please enjoy our portfolio on the website and contact us if you have any questions.
https://www.studiovhf.com/en/english |